Today, Tariq’s new EP, Scroll Before You Sleep, is available via Tiny Kingdom. The title, Scroll Before You Sleep, is a unifying tether for these three songs and their nod to digital isolation. “It’s less of a command or a suggestion, more of a warning,” says Tariq. “Keep scrolling, see what happens. Our phone addiction keeps us up at night. It’s impossible to relinquish our devices and when we finally do, they sit beside us on the nightstand, buzzing, alerting, demanding to be looked at and engaged with. When they finally shut up, they start doing their most unsettling activity of all, listening. They eavesdrop on our desires, hunger, fears, our tastes in music, fashion, and lovers. They make decisions about our lives and then at night, they sell it all back to us in ads and subscriptions and as we scroll, we pay. We pay and we rarely sleep.”

01 Architect’s Studio
02 The Ballad of You and Me
03 Migration Song
More from Tariq HERE